Revelation 3:14a, The church of the Laodiceans
The last of the seven letters in Revelation 2 and 3 begins with the following words, “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write.”
Laodicea was only ten miles from Colosse and close to Hierapolis. It was the main city in the Lycus Valley, on the river Lycus, at a crossroads of roads. Therefore, it was a center of commerce and industry. It was also an important legal and administrative center. It was so rich that after an earthquake, it would not accept help from the government. The city had two theaters and a stadium that had a capacity of 25,000 people. The city was known for its textile industry but was also a banking center and pharmacy town. This is reflected in the letter in verse 18, which speaks of eye salf. That the city was a medical center had to do with the medicinal hot springs at Hierapolis. An aqueduct brought that hot water to Laodicea. We find a reference to this hot water in verse 16. Many gods were worshipped in this city. Think of Men Karou, Isis, and Zeus. There was a large Jewish community.
The main conclusion about this city is that it was rich and proud. However, the spirit of pride also influenced the church in Laodicea. They were proud of their spiritual wealth. We hear this reflected in verse 17, “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” The letter warns the church of Laodicea for their complacency and mediocrity (verse 16). There is no place for Christ (verse 20), and Christ likeness is not found anymore.
We often see that the culture around us enters the church. It does not stop at the entrance to the church. How important it is to be aware of this and to see what the church is. The church is chosen by God and set apart by Him. The church is the body of Christ. Washed and cleansed in His blood. The church is Spirit-filled and lives a spiritual life. The church is in the world but different from the world. Yes, there is deficiency and sin in the church. But at the same time, there is this secret. Are we members of the true church? Who is God for us? Do we keep ourselves blameless from the world?