The apostle John tells us what he saw in the heavenly throne room when he was taken up into heaven in the spirit. In Revelation 4:5b-6a, we hear more details about the heavenly throne room. He has described for us that he saw God's throne, the twenty-four elders around the throne, and so much more almost too amazing and glorious to put into words. Then his gaze is drawn to something else.
We hear him tell, “There were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” (Revelation 4:5b) Before the throne in heaven is also the Holy Spirit, depicted in seven fiery and constantly burning lamps. What a comfort. The church was depicted as seven lampstands, in between which stood God's Son, we heard in Revelation 1. But those seven lampstands are kept burning by the One Spirit depicted as seven lampstands. The church and the Holy Spirit are closely connected, as we also heard in Revelation 1:4, “John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne.” The church in all its imperfection, brokenness, suffering and persecution, may know of this One Spirit, who in all His fullness, works and will continue to work until Christ's return. He was poured out at Pentecost! 'Not by force yet by violence, but by My Spirit it shall be done'. Did it not sound that way from Zechariah's mouth? That's how it sounds here in Revelation, too.
We then read, “And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal.” Before the throne is not only the Spirit, but also “a sea of glass, crystal like.” In God's Word, the sea on earth is often an image of destructive and demonic forces. On earth there is constant turmoil through temptation, strife and death. The sea which can rise so fierce and mighty, so deafening and overwhelming, is pre-eminently an image of that. In heaven, however, there is a sea of calm and peace. There is no more place for turmoil there, but only for peace. In heaven there is no more place for the great mortal enemies: Satan, the world and our flesh. In heaven there is no more place for sin and injustice, there is purity. But moreover, let us not forget that already now, before God everything is transparent and translucent. On earth, reality can still be so opaque to us. But the Lord is in control, in His Providence He directs all things. What a wonderful image and comfort for His children here still so often in trouble and struggle. How comforting again this image for the church of the end times!