The summary of Joel 2:25-27 is, “I will restore, and you shall know”. Yet questions remain. God promises to bless. God also promises a teacher who will come with words of righteousness. But now what will happen in judgment? Surely, He is coming with His armies?
Before Joel answers that question, he comes with an "afterward.” An "afterward," following the coming of Jesus Christ, the Teacher of righteousness. And what will God do “afterward”? We read in verse 28, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit.” The outpouring of the Holy Spirit can only follow the work of Christ. He is the one who brings forth righteousness. And before pouring out the Spirit, righteousness needs to be fulfilled!
But both works proceed from the Lord: He gives the Teacher, and He gives the Spirit. We see here the work of a triune God, we hear of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. One God, three persons. We see furthermore how Joel foretells about the great coming Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost. Peter, therefore, quotes these words in Acts. He had sat at the feet of the Teacher of Righteousness. And that Teacher of Righteousness, Jesus, had opened Scripture for Him.
We read, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.” The Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. In the Old Testament, the Spirit was poured out on a few. He was poured out on prophets, kings, and craftsmen. That was done in their anointing. That anointing was a sign that the God who calls to fulfill an office or certain tasks, will also equip for these tasks.
But now the Spirit is given to “all flesh”. There will be a rich and abundant giving of the Spirit upon many. On “Your sons and your daughters.” The people of Israel had been called to tell their sons and daughters of the Lord's judgments. But the time will come when they experience the blessing of the Lord in a special way. They will gain rich knowledge in the best school of learning there is. On “Your elders and young men.” In short, upon all, from young to old. Yes, even on “The servants and maidservants.” The people will again be blessed and all kinds of people will share in this rich and abundant blessing. A blessing regardless of gender, age, and position. Why? Well, because this blessing is grace alone. Merited by Jesus Christ, the Teacher of righteousness, who is also the suffering Servant.
Rev. J. Th. Pronk