Salvation is the work of a Triune God. The foundation of redemption is the loving-kindness of God the Father. What a wonder is His faithfulness to His covenant that we have broken. The building of redemption is the sacrificial love of the righteous Jesus, the Son of God. He gave Himself to atone for sinners and to restore His Father’s glory in creation. The door of the building of salvation swings open on the applying work of the Holy Spirit.
But at Pentecost, our attention is asked specifically to the work of the Holy Spirit. The third person in the Trinity, who, together with the Father and the Son, is one God. Without His work, there is no salvation. At Pentecost, He is poured out by the Son, according to the promise of the Father (Acts 1 and 2). How necessary is the work of the Spirit... The Spirit saves us with the miracle of rebirth or regeneration. A second birth, wrought by God in the life of a sinner dead in sins and transgressions. He makes us partakers of salvation by faith. The Lord Himself speaks of this miracle of regeneration in the night with Nicodemus (John 3). But this is not the only work of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit also involves us in God's plan with the world, namely, the gathering of the church under its head, Christ. We see how, from Pentecost, the Spirit makes the church an effective witness to Christ (1 Cor 3:9, Revelation). Its purpose is to unite all things in Christ. (Eph 1:10). But there is a third aspect to the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit equips us. He makes the church fruitful and equips believers with gifts. The Holy Spirit enables the church to live according to her high calling.
How wonderful is the work of the Holy Spirit! Therefore, let us not resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). Nor let us grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:20). Let us not harden our hearts! (Psalm 95:8). Come, Holy Spirit! Fill us with Yourself. Veni Sancte Spiritus. Let us turn to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith.