After reading the seven letters to the churches in Asia Minor, we have many questions, even confusion and perhaps despondency. With those questions in mind, we arrive at Revelation 4 and are taken into the heavenly throne room.
“After this.” So those words make the connection with the previous section, as we just did.
“I looked and behold.” John sees something and wants the church of the end times to share in it. He also wants to involve that church in it, so he emphatically calls us with the words, “Behold.”
“A door was opened in heaven.” Heaven does not appear to be closed! Indeed, sometimes you may find yourself thinking that heaven is closed. Sometimes heaven appears to be made of copper. Other times there is tremendous temptation whether heaven knows about your situation. Sometimes, there is the temptation of whether God in heaven rules. That's why John gets to look into heaven, and we get to look with him. And let us not be mistaken. This lesson is particularly important. Revelations 4 and 5 are actually one, taking us into heaven. This happens before outlining all that will happen in the end times. First, we see God's throne room and take that picture as very comforting and full of promise into the end times.
“And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which said.” is Christ Himself who speaks. We read of His speaking in Revelation 1:10 and further when He reveals Himself to John. His voice is like the voice of many waters, so strong. His voice is very clear to hear. His voice is powerful and can be heard to the farthest reaches of this earth and our lives.
“Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” He will show John what will happen “after this.” In other words, what is about to happen in the end times. And this involves the unfolding of God's counsel and will, for it says: “What must come to pass.”
Wouldn't you then indeed look along full of longing, to be able to see and understand? To be comforted, encouraged and, where necessary, corrected?